Name Sake

C. Lofty Bolling
June 17, 2022

In this Weekend Wind Down we will be exploring our relationship to space and imagination as we reflect about our childhood memories and listen to Slick Rick, Black Star and read along to some Gwendolyn Brooks

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Source Material:


  • Write a list of 5 places that you weren’t allowed to go to as a child
  • Write a list of 5 your favorite places to visit today

Prompt: Pick a place that was “off limits” and write a Poem/short scene that hyperbolizes/exaggerates what goes on there and why you think you weren’t allowed to go.

C. Lofty Bolling

C. Lofty Bolling

C.Lofty Bolling (they/them) is a black, queer, and southern poet who has recently relocated to Chicago in 2021 and have been writing poetry regularly since middle school, self publishing since their senior year of high school. Through their poetry they explore notions of identity formations, the quantum imagination, history, ontology and voodoo practices.
They have 6 self published works titled, Lofty (2019), The Aquarius’ Aquarium (2019), Blue and Orange (2020), Unloc’d (2021), Black Atlanteans (2021) and The Master’s House (2021) and additional individual poems published through Lupercalia Press, and Rigorous Press.