Welcome to YCA Outreach. Here, you’ll find resources on ways to get connected to YCA, how to get involved in our work, and how to stay connected with us.

Are you looking to bring your students on a field trip to YCA? Do you want us to come visit your classroom and give a presentation on all of our programs? Do you need more information on our programs? Fill out this outreach survey and we’ll get back to you.

Do you want to attend our creative writing programs and events but have no idea when they’re happening? Sign up for our monthly newsletter to stay up to date on all of our events, programs, and opportunities.

Are you a teacher, alumni, or adult that is looking for ways to still be involved in YCA? Consider volunteering with us for our annual youth poetry festival, Rooted & Radical, which has plenty of opportunities to volunteer between January-March.

Please email jmascarenhas@youngchicagoauthors.org for more information.