Sema’J’s Playlist

Sema’J’s Playlist

By Sema’J Fisher

My selection of songs was PnB Rock’s Goin Thru The Motions (GTTM) EP. This project is mostly about relationships and their ups and downs. Each song is individualistic: One song may be talking about how he’s going to let everything fall apart, while the other is about how much he is going to do to not let all his hard work together go to waste. When I first started listening to PnB Rock, he started off with emotional songs; I believe all of this has came from his experience because he makes sure to express every feeling in his lyrics.


In “Misunderstood,” PnB Rock is talking about the stressful parts of a relationship. Sometimes in a relationship, there is a person who doesn’t want to listen to what is right; Then they say how their significant other is not their parent.Without listening to every side of a situation, an argument starts and what typically happens is that one or both people say things to hurt the other’s feelings. For example, saying they didn’t care from the beginning, when deep down they really care. Instead they try to hurt each other instead of trying to fix the situation.


The second song I chose from his album is Questions. This song is also talking about relationships but not exactly what the first one was about.He is now talking about how losing truth in your significant other also ends a relationship. He tells how he goes through someone asking him so many questions about anything and everything and how being accused for some many things makes him start doing it. He expresses a lot of feelings but this song has a sadness about how he can’t take going through these lectures all the time. He keeps saying “who you think you checking” and he is trying to express that he feels like he is being questioned like a child. This song makes me think about how it feels to people when I do these things.


The final song I chose from his album is Smile. This one is really different from the rest of the songs. Unlike the other songs in this song is saying how he would do anything to save their relationship because they went through so much together and they are not going to throw that all away. He is a little bit more calm in this song. This song is a loving and  emotional song; He cares more about this and expresses how he feels about his relationship with a certain person. When he says “You done with this loser fuck that I can’t lose ya” it makes me think that he is really getting into his feelings with this song. He is willing to find a way to fix their relationship. Pnb Rock knows how to switch his emotions throughout his songs.