Young Chicago Authors is committed to the safety and well-being of our youth participants. A key component of this commitment is creating a culture of transparency around safe space policies and initiatives.
In March of 2021 we adopted the following polices to up hold when caring for young people and ensuring that our spaces are safe and well maintained with process and stability.
Community updates:
Staffing termination (TW) and Email Breach
We want to provide clarity regarding an email circulated on March 2 about a serious incident. On February 8, we were made aware of an allegation of sexual assault involving Christopher Bolling. Within minutes, we terminated their contractor agreement. This incident did not involve minors or YCA participants and occurred outside of our spaces. Our executive director anonymously reported the incident to authorities while we gathered information.
At YCA, we uphold a zero-tolerance policy for harm. Our primary concern has been the survivor’s agency and well-being, including respecting their decision not to involve law enforcement at this time. Out of care for their privacy, we refrained from sharing sensitive details publicly. Since the harm was brought to our attention, we have engaged in conversations with community members, leaders, and organizations to communicate our decision while prioritizing the survivor’s anonymity. We remain in communication with them and will support any course of action they choose.
The email that was circulated on 3/2 did not come from the survivor or anyone involved in our process. The majority of emails were obtained through an illegal breach of our database and the message does not accurately reflect the steps we have taken. We recognize the concerns it may have raised and the harm it may have caused for those who read it without warning. It violated the privacy of our students and community. For safety we will be tracking the source of this breach.
Please know that YCA has followed a thorough process, including an immediate termination, internal investigation and formal reporting. We remain committed to fostering a safe and supportive environment for our community. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at main@youngchicagoauthors.